
Diagnostic tools 69
For more information about the controller and its features, see the HP Smart Array Controllers for HP ProLiant
Servers User Guide on the HP website (http://www.hp.com/support/SAC_UG_ProLiantServers_en). To
configure arrays, see the Configuring Arrays on HP Smart Array Controllers Reference Guide on the HP
website (http://www.hp.com/support/CASAC_RG_en).
HP ROM-Based Setup Utility
RBSU is a configuration utility embedded in ProLiant servers that performs a wide range of configuration
activities that can include the following:
Configuring system devices and installed options
Enabling and disabling system features
Displaying system information
Selecting the primary boot controller
Configuring memory options
Language selection
For more information on RBSU, see the HP ROM-Based Setup Utility User Guide on the Documentation CD or
the HP website (http://www.hp.com/support/smartstart/documentation).
ROMPaq utility
The ROMPaq utility enables you to upgrade the system firmware (BIOS). To upgrade the firmware, insert a
ROMPaq USB Key into an available USB port and boot the system. In addition to ROMPaq, Online Flash
Components for Windows and Linux operating systems are available for updating the system firmware.
The ROMPaq utility checks the system and provides a choice (if more than one exists) of available firmware
For more information, go to the HP website (http://www.hp.com/go/hpsc) and click on Drivers, Software
& Firmware. Then, enter your product name in the Find an HP product field and click Go.
Integrated Management Log
The IML records hundreds of events and stores them in an easy-to-view form. The IML timestamps each event
with 1-minute granularity.
You can view recorded events in the IML in several ways, including the following:
From within HP SIM
From within Survey Utility
From within operating system-specific IML viewers
o For NetWare: IML Viewer (does not apply to HP ProLiant DL980 Servers)
o For Windows®: IML Viewer
o For Linux: IML Viewer Application
From within the iLO 3 user interface
From within HP Insight Diagnostics (on page 70)