Server component identification 86
LED (green)
Off The drive is active, and it is operating normally.
Off Steadily amber A critical fault condition has been identified for this drive, and
the controller has placed it offline. Replace the drive as soon
as possible.
Off Amber, flashing
regularly (1 Hz)
A predictive failure alert has been received for this drive.
Replace the drive as soon as possible.
Off Off The drive is offline, a spare, or not configured as part of an
Battery pack LEDs
Item ID Color Description
1 Green System Power LED. This LED glows steadily when the
system is powered up and 12 V system power is
available. This power supply is used to maintain the
battery charge and provide supplementary power to the
cache microcontroller.
2 Green Auxiliary Power LED. This LED glows steadily when 3.3V
auxiliary voltage is detected. The auxiliary voltage is
used to preserve BBWC data and is available any time
that the system power cords are connected to a power
3 Amber Battery Health LED. To interpret the illumination patterns
of this LED, see the following table.
4 Green BBWC Status LED. To interpret the illumination patterns
of this LED, see the following table.