Configuring Rights
correctly in the system, however, if you want to manage these devices from within the 700wl Series
system, you may want to assign them a specific set of access rights. You can add these devices to the
built-in database and assign them to an Identity Profile so that they can get rights assigned through the
Rights Assignment Table.
» To view the list of network equipment currently defined in the built-in database, click the Network
link from the main Identity Profiles page.
Figure 4-9. Network Equipment in the Built-In Database
The current list of network equipment is also displayed under the Network Equipment tab on the New
Identity Profile or Edit Identity Profile screens, as shown in
Figure 4-5.
The Network Equipment list shows the following information about each device:
Table 4-4. Network Equipment Page Field Definitions
Field Description
Equipment Name The descriptive name for the device
MAC Address The MAC address of the network device.
Identity Profile Assignment The Identity Profile to which the equipment has been assigned. (If no Identity Profile
is assigned, the device will match the —Any“ Identity Profile.)
» To edit an equipment entry, click the user name in the Name column, or click the pencil icon at the end
of the row. This takes you to the Edit Network Equipment page to edit the entry for this user (see
“Creating or Editing an Equipment Entry” on page 4-22).
» To delete an equipment entry, click the trash can icon at the end of the row.
» To create a new equipment entry, click the New Network Equipment... button at the bottom of the
Network Equipment list. This takes you to the New Network Equipment page (see
“Creating or Editing
an Equipment Entry”).
» To export the Network Equipment list to file, use Export as Text. The list is displayed in a new browser
window. Select
File->Save As from the browser menu. The Save As dialog box appears. Select the file
location and file type, type the file name and click
HP ProCurve Secure Access 700wl Series Management and Configuration Guide 4-21