88 | HP Jornada H/PC User’s Guide
7. Insert the Desktop Software for Microsoft
WindowsCE compact disc that came with your
HPJornada, and set up Windows CE Services 2.2.
(For more information, see the Installing
WindowsCE Services section in this chapter.)
8. Connect your HP Jornada to the desktop PC.
9. In the New Mobile Device Detected dialog box,
click Restore to restore data to your HP Jornada
from the backup file created in step 3.
10. Disconnect the sync cable on your HP Jornada,
and then press the reset button on your HP Jornada
to complete the restoration operation.
11. Reconnect the sync cable to your HP Jornada to
reconnect to the desktop PC. In the New Mobile
Device Detected dialog box, click Synchronize to
establish a partnership and synchronize your data.
Migrating data from non–Windows CE palmtops
If your data is stored on an HP 100/200LX Palmtop PC or
an HP OmniGo Organizer, you must first transfer the data
to your desktop PC. Use the Hewlett-Packard PIM Transla-
tion Utility (for HP devices only) to import the data into
Schedule+ 7.0a on your desktop PC. After you have
imported the data into Schedule+, you can update the
information on your HPJornada by synchronizing with
Schedule+ using Windows CE Services 2.2.
The English HP PIM Translation Utility is available on the
HP Jornada Handheld PC compact disc included with your
HP Jornada and at www.hp.com/cposupport/
handheld_compusers/software/setup.exe.html. This proce-
dure migrates only Phone Book and Appointment Book