
Removal and replacement procedures 49
7. Perform the post-installation procedure.
Flash-backed write cache procedures
Two types of procedures are provided for the FBWC option:
Removal and replacement of failed components:
Removing the cache module
Removing the capacitor pack
Recovery of cached data from a failed server
CAUTION: Do not detach the cable that connects the battery pack to the cache module.
Detaching the cable causes any unsaved data in the cache module to be lost.
Flash-backed write cache module
To remove the component:
CAUTION: Do not use this controller with cache modules designed for other controller
models, because the controller can malfunction and you can lose data. Also, do not transfer
this cache module to a different controller module, because you can lose data.
1. Back up all data.
2. Close all applications.
3. Power down the server.
CAUTION: In systems that use external data storage, be sure that the server is the first unit to
be powered down and the last to be powered back up. Taking this precaution ensures that
the system does not erroneously mark the drives as failed when the server is powered up.