Example Scanning Using External Triggers
This example uses external triggering (
TRIG:SOUR EXT) to scan channels
00 through 03 of a single-module switchbox. The trigger source to advance
the scan is the input to the “Event In” BNC on an HP E1300A/E1301A
mainframe. When
INIT is executed, the scan is started and channel 00 is
closed. Then each trigger received at the “Event In” BNC advances the
scan to the next channel.
TRIG:SOUR EXT ! Select external triggering
SCAN (@100:103) ! Scan channels 00 through 03
INIT ! Begin scan, close channel 00
trigger externally ! Advance scan to next channel
Example Scanning Using Bus Triggers
This example uses bus triggering (
TRIG:SOUR BUS) to scan channels 00
through 03 of a single-module switchbox. The trigger source to advance the
scan is the
*TRG command (as set with TRIGger:SOURce BUS). When
INIT is executed, the scan is started and channel 00 is closed. Then each
*TRG command advances the scan to the next channel.
TRIG:SOUR BUS ! Select interface (bus) triggering
SCAN (@100:103) ! Scan channels 00 through 03
INIT ! Start scan, close channel 00
loop statement ! Loop to scan all channels
*TRG ! Advance scan using bus triggering
increment loop ! Increment loop count
:SOURce? TRIGger:SOURce? returns the current trigger source for the switchbox.
Command returns either
"BUS", "EXT", " HOLD", or "IMM" for trigger
BUS, EXTernal, HOLD, or IMMediate, respectively.
Example Query Trigger Source
This example sets external triggering and queries the trigger source. Since
external triggering is set,
TRIG:SOUR? returns "EXT".
TRIG:SOUR EXT ! Set external trigger source
TRIG:SOUR? ! Query trigger source
58 HP E1366A/E1367A RF Multiplexers Command Reference Chapter 5