Order Number: EK–STWCT–UG. E01 vii
About This Guide
This section identifies the users of this guide and describes the contents and structure. In addition, it
includes a list of conventions used in this guide.
StorageWorks 8505 8mm Cartridge Tape Drive User's Guide
This guide provides operational and maintenance information for the StorageWorks 8505
8mm Cartridge Tape Drive.
Intended Audience
This guide is intended for any user who is responsible for operating or maintaining the
cartridge tape drive.
Document Structure
This guide contains the following chapters:
Chapter 1: Introduction
Introduction gives an overview of the StorageWorks 8505 8mm Cartridge Tape Drive
and describes the three packaging options for the drive: SWXTE-AA, SWXTE-AB, and
SWXTE-AC. It also describes the formats the drive can read and write.
Chapter 2: Installation and Initial Power On
Installation and Initial Power On refers you to the appropriate installation information
and provides information about the initial power on of the cartridge tape drive.
Chapter 3 Operating the Cartridge Tape Drive
Operating the Cartridge Tape Drive describes how to use the drive’s controls and
indicators; it also describes how to load and unload tapes.
Chapter 4 Cleaning the Cartridge Tape Drive
Cleaning the Cartridge Tape Drive describes how to clean the drive.
Appendix A: Product Specifications
Product Specifications provides physical and operating specifications.