
HP Surestore FC 1Gb/2Gb Switch 16B Installation and Reference Guide 2-11
Installing and Configuring the HP Surestore FC 1Gb/2Gb Switch 16B
2. Record the IP address for future reference.
3. Connect the switch to the workstation computer by Ethernet cable (can be a direct
connection or through a network) by completing the following steps:
a. Remove the shipping plug from the Ethernet port.
b. Insert one end of an Ethernet cable in the Ethernet port.
c. Connect the other end of the Ethernet cable to the workstation or to an Ethernet
network containing the workstation.
Note The switch can now be accessed remotely and from multiple connections using
telnet or Web Tools. Ensure that the switch is not being modified from any other
connections during the remaining steps.
4. Log on to the switch with administrative privileges by telnet. The default administrative
logon is
admin and the default password is password.
CAUTION Do not change the default password unless local administration policy
requires it.
5. Modify the domain IDs if desired by completing the following steps:
Note The default domain ID is 1. If the default domain ID is already in use when the
switch is connected to the fabric, the domain ID for the new switch is automatically
reset to a unique value. The domain IDs that are currently in use can be determined
using the telnet command fabricShow.
a. Disable the switch by entering the following:
b. Enter the following: configure
c. Enter the following at the Fabric parameters prompt: y
d. Enter a unique domain ID: Domain: (1..239) [1] 3
e. Complete the remaining prompts (or press CTRL+D to accept the remaining settings
without completing all the prompts).
f. Re-enable the switch by entering the following:
6. Optional: Specify any custom status policies for the fabric by completing the following
a. Enter the following at the prompt:
b. Specify the desired status policies. To completely deactivate the alarm for a particular
condition, enter “0” at the prompt for that condition.