
Product Information1Ć6
Shares a single line with TeleĆ Distinguishes between FFFF
phone and TAM (Telephone voice calls and fax
Answering Machine) calls.
OneĆtouch Dialing ControlĆpanel buttons FFFF
programmed with teleĆ
phone numbers for
faster dialing.
Speed (Auto) Dialing A twoĆdigit number repreĆ FFFF
sents a telephone number.
Program Keys Used to perform deferred F
transmission and polling,
as group dialing, or as
extra oneĆtouch keys.
Group Dialing The ability to broadcast a FF
document or documents
to groups of individuals.
Fax Parameters (Settings) Settings that allow the user FFFF
or service person to custĆ
omize the fax for specific
Halftone Scanning The ability to interpret FFFF
(Photograph Mode) shades of gray into dot
patterns to produce an
appearance of gray in an
image. This feature imĆ
proves the image quality
of photographs.
Error Correction Mode Detects errors that occur FFFF
during the transmission of
a document and automatiĆ
cally requests retransĆ
mission of the erroneous
Automatic Journals A facsimile can be set to FFFF
print a summary sheet of
each transmission or pollĆ
ing operation, or a sumĆ
mary sheet of the last 32
Table 1-1. HP Fax Machine Features
Capability Description 700 750 900 950