Listening to Voicemail
Visit www.skype.com for more information about SkypeIn and Skype Voicemail services.
Collecting Your Voicemail Messages
There are two ways to collect messages.
1 Voice Announcement
Right-click the HP Internet Handset icon on the SysTray. On the Speech tab, place a check in the
Check for New Voicemails checkbox.
When you receive a voicemail, the LED on the handset flashes. Lift the handset and a voice prompts,
“You have one new Voicemail message. Press # to listen.” Press # to listen to the message.
2 One-click Voicemail LED
Right-click the HP Internet Handset icon on the SysTray. On the Speech tab, remove the check
from the Check for New Voicemails checkbox.
The LED on the handset flashes when a voicemail message is received. Lift the handset and press the
Voicemail key to listen to the message. A voice prompts For example, “Voicemail from David
received on (date and time).” The voicemail message automatically plays.
This section covers uninstalling the software and general troubleshooting.
Uninstalling HP Software
1 Click the Windows Start Button
and select Control Panel.
2 Select Add/Remove programs.
3 Select HP Integration for Skype and click Remove. Then follow the on-screen instructions.
4 After the uninstall finishes, click Finish, and restart your computer if prompted.
20 HP Internet Handset User’s Guide