CLI commands
RADIUS context
Path: View > Enable > Config > RADIUS
This context provides commands for configuring RADIUS profiles.
Supported on: MSM310 MSM320 MSM335 MSM410 MSM422
Switches to parent context.
radius-server accounting port
Supported on: MSM310 MSM320 MSM335 MSM410 MSM422
radius-server accounting port <number>
Specifies the port to use for RADIUS accounting.
<number> Accounting port number. Range: 1 - 65535.
radius-server alternate hosts
Supported on: MSM310 MSM320 MSM335 MSM410 MSM422
radius-server alternate hosts
Try last answering RADIUS host first.
no radius-server alternate hosts
Try primary RADIUS host first.
radius-server authentication method
Supported on: MSM310 MSM320 MSM335 MSM410 MSM422
radius-server authentication method (mschap | chap | mschapv2 | pap | eap-md5)
Sets the authentication method to use when communicating with the RADIUS server.
For 802.1x users, the authentication method is always determined by the 802.1x client software
and is not controlled by this setting.
If traffic between the AP and the RADIUS server is not protected by a VPN, it is recommended
that you use either EAP-MD5 or MSCHAP V2, if supported by your RADIUS Server. (PAP,
MSCHAP V1 and CHAP are less secure protocols.)
radius-server authentication port
Supported on: MSM310 MSM320 MSM335 MSM410 MSM422
radius-server authentication port <number>
Specifies the port to use for RADIUS authentication. By default, RADIUS servers use port 1812.
<number> Authentication port number. Range: 1 - 65535