Connecting to a room controller 53
FWVERS ? Queries the projector firmware model number and firmware
version. Similar to VERS, but used to verify that a firmware
update image is appropriate for the projector. The
notification takes this form:
IPADDR Hex IP address, ? Used by network module to tell projector the IP address to
display in the help menu.
SNET Hex subnet mask, ? Used by network module to tell projector the subnet mask to
display in the help menu.
MAC Hex MAC address, ? Used by network module to tell projector the MAC address
to display in the help menu.
SNUM ? Queries the projector's serial number.
RSET None Restores all settings to defaults.
Power and status functions
Command Parameters Description
SHDN None Puts the projector into cool-down state, and later into standby
state. The projector sends a notification when it enters cool-
down state (STAT=3), and another when it enters standby state
(STAT=0). This keyword requires the projector to be in its on
state (STAT=1).
Do not send any requests other than STAT in the time between
the cool-down and standby state notifications. Otherwise,
unexpected results can occur.
W or WAKE None Puts the projector into warm-up state, and later into on state.
The projector sends a notification when it enters warm-up state
(STAT=2), and another when it enters the on state (STAT=1).
This keyword requires the projector to be in standby state
Do not send any requests other than STAT in the time between
the warm-up and on state notifications. Otherwise, unexpected
results can occur.
Setup functions (continued)
Command Parameters Description