Rev. 1.0, 07/01, page 46 of 372
Bit Bit Name Initial Value R/W Description
2 IEG2 0 R/W IRQ2 Edge Select
0: Falling edge of IRQ2 pin input is detected
1: Rising edge of IRQ2 pin input is detected
1 IEG1 0 R/W IRQ1 Edge Select
0: Falling edge of IRQ1 pin input is detected
1: Rising edge of IRQ1 pin input is detected
0 IEG0 0 R/W IRQ0 Edge Select
0: Falling edge of IRQ0 pin input is detected
1: Rising edge of IRQ0 pin input is detected
Interrupt Edge Select Register 2(IEGR2)
IEGR2 selects the direction of an edge that generates interrupt requests of the pins ADTRG and
WKP5 to WKP0.
Bit Bit Name Initial Value R/W Description
These bits are always read as 1, and cannot be modified.
5 WPEG5 0 R/W WKP5 Edge Select
0: Falling edge of WKP5(ADTRG) pin input is detected
1: Rising edge of WKP5(ADTRG) pin input is detected
4 WPEG4 0 R/W WKP4 Edge Select
0: Falling edge of WKP4 pin input is detected
1: Rising edge of WKP4 pin input is detected
3 WPEG3 0 R/W WKP3 Edge Select
0: Falling edge of WKP3 pin input is detected
1: Rising edge of WKP3 pin input is detected
2 WPEG2 0 R/W WKP2 Edge Select
0: Falling edge of WKP2 pin input is detected
1: Rising edge of WKP2 pin input is detected
1 WPEG1 0 R/W WKP1Edge Select
0: Falling edge of WKP1 pin input is detected
1: Rising edge of WKP1 pin input is detected
0 WPEG0 0 R/W WKP0 Edge Select
0: Falling edge of WKP0 pin input is detected
1: Rising edge of WKP0 pin input is detected