Rev. 71, 07/01, page 89 of 372
7.3.2 Programming/Erasing in User Program Mode
On-board programming/erasing of an individual flash memory block can also be performed in user
program mode by branching to a user program/erase control program. The user must set branching
conditions and provide on-board means of supplying programming data. The flash memory must
contain the user program/erase control program or a program that provides the user program/erase
control program from external memory. As the flash memory itself cannot be read during
programming/erasing, transfer the user program/erase control program to on-chip RAM, as in boot
mode. Figure 7-2 shows a sample procedure for programming/erasing in user program mode.
Prepare a user program/erase control program in accordance with the description in section 7.5,
Flash Memory Programming/Erasing.
Ye s
Transfer user program/erase control
program to RAM
Branch to user program/erase control
program in RAM
Execute user program/erase control
program (flash memory rewrite)
Branch to flash memory application
Branch to flash memory application
Figure 7-2 Programming/Erasing Flowchart Example in User Program Mode