Rev. 1.0, 07/01, page 319 of 372
Appendix A Instruction Set
A.1 Instruction List
Condition Code
Symbol Description
Rd General destination register
Rs General source register
Rn General register
ERd General destination register (address register or 32-bit register)
ERs General source register (address register or 32-bit register)
ERn General register (32-bit register)
(EAd) Destination operand
(EAs) Source operand
PC Program counter
SP Stack pointer
CCR Condition-code register
N N (negative) flag in CCR
Z Z (zero) flag in CCR
V V (overflow) flag in CCR
C C (carry) flag in CCR
disp Displacement
→ Transfer from the operand on the left to the operand on the right, or transition from
the state on the left to the state on the right
+ Addition of the operands on both sides
– Subtraction of the operand on the right from the operand on the left
× Multiplication of the operands on both sides
÷ Division of the operand on the left by the operand on the right
∧ Logical AND of the operands on both sides
∨ Logical OR of the operands on both sides
⊕ Logical exclusive OR of the operands on both sides
¬ NOT (logical complement)
( ), < > Contents of operand
Note: General registers include 8-bit registers (R0H to R7H and R0L to R7L) and 16-bit registers
(R0 to R7 and E0 to E7).