
Rev. 1.0, 07/01, page 319 of 372
Appendix A Instruction Set
A.1 Instruction List
Condition Code
Symbol Description
Rd General destination register
Rs General source register
Rn General register
ERd General destination register (address register or 32-bit register)
ERs General source register (address register or 32-bit register)
ERn General register (32-bit register)
(EAd) Destination operand
(EAs) Source operand
PC Program counter
SP Stack pointer
CCR Condition-code register
N N (negative) flag in CCR
Z Z (zero) flag in CCR
V V (overflow) flag in CCR
C C (carry) flag in CCR
disp Displacement
Transfer from the operand on the left to the operand on the right, or transition from
the state on the left to the state on the right
+ Addition of the operands on both sides
Subtraction of the operand on the right from the operand on the left
× Multiplication of the operands on both sides
÷ Division of the operand on the left by the operand on the right
Logical AND of the operands on both sides
Logical OR of the operands on both sides
Logical exclusive OR of the operands on both sides
¬ NOT (logical complement)
( ), < > Contents of operand
Note: General registers include 8-bit registers (R0H to R7H and R0L to R7L) and 16-bit registers
(R0 to R7 and E0 to E7).