Rev. 1.0, 07/01, page 181 of 372
Section 14 Serial Communication Interface3 (SCI3)
Serial Communication Interface (SCI) can handle both asynchronous and clocked synchronous
serial communication. In asynchronous mode, serial data communication can be carried out using
standard asynchronous communication chips such as a Universal Asynchronous
Receiver/Transmitter (UART) or an Asynchronous Communication Interface Adapter (ACIA). A
function is also provided for serial communication between processors (multiprocessor
communication function).
Figure 14-1 shows a block diagram of the SCI3.
14.1 Features
Choice of asynchronous or clocked synchronous serial communication mode
Full-duplex communication capability
The transmitter and receiver are mutually independent, enabling transmission and reception to
be executed simultaneously.
Double-buffering is used in both the transmitter and the receiver, enabling continuous
transmission and continuous reception of serial data.
On-chip baud rate generator allows any bit rate to be selected
External clock or on-chip baud rate generator can be selected as a transfer clock source.
Six interrupt sources
Transmit-end, transmit-data-empty, receive-data-full, overrun error, framing error, and parity
Asynchronous mode
Data length: 7 or 8 bits
Stop bit length: 1 or 2 bits
Parity: Even, odd, or none
Receive error detection: Parity, overrun, and framing errors
Break detection: Break can be detected by reading the RxD pin level directly in the case of a
framing error
Clocked Synchronous mode
Data length: 8 bits
Receive error detection: Overrun errors