Rev. 1.0, 07/01, page 155 of 372
Bit Bit Name Initial Value R/W Description
7 CTS 0 R/W Counter Start
The counter operation is halted when this bit is 0; while it
can be performed when this bit is 1.
6 − 1 − Reserved
This bit is always read as 1 and cannot be modified.
5 BUFEB 0 R/W Buffer Operation B
Selects the GRD function.
0: GRD operates as an input capture/output compare
1: GRD operates as the buffer register for GRB
4 BUFEA 0 R/W Buffer Operation A
Selects the GRC function.
0: GRC operates as an input capture/output compare
1: GRC operates as the buffer register for GRA
3 − 1 − Reserved
This bit is always read as 1 and cannot be modified.
2 PWMD 0 R/W PWM Mode D
Selects the output mode of the FTIOD pin.
0: FTIOD operates normally (output compare output)
1: PWM output
1 PWMC 0 R/W PWM Mode C
Selects the output mode of the FTIOC pin.
0: FTIOC operates normally(output compare output)
1: PWM output
0 PWMB 0 R/W PWM Mode B
Selects the output mode of the FTIOB pin.
0: FTIOB operates normally(output compare output)
1: PWM output