Travelstar 5K160 (SATA) Hard Disk Drive Specification
3 1 = Ultra DMA mode 3 and below are supported
2 1 = Ultra DMA mode 2 and below are supported
1 1 = Ultra DMA mode 1 and below are supported
0 1 = Ultra DMA mode 0 is supported
3-6 Maximum LBA address
7 Command set/feature set supported
15-9 Reserved
8 1 = 48-bit Addressing feature set supported
7 1 = Host Protected Area feature set supported
6 1 = Automatic acoustic management supported
5 Reserved
4 1 = Power-Up in Standby feature set supported
3 1 = Security feature set supported
2 1 = SMART error log supported
1 1 = SMART self-test supported
0 1 = SMART feature set supported
8 Automatic Acoustic Mode status
9 Automatic Acoustic Mode current value
10 SATA feature
15-5 Reserved
4 1 = Software setting preservation supported
3 Reserved
2 1 = Interface power management supported
1 1 = Non-zero buffer offset in DMA Setup FIS supported
0 1 = Native command queuing supported
11-254 Reserved
255 Integrity word <Note .>
15-8 Checksum
7-0 Signature (A5h)
Figure 26 Device Configuration Overlay Data structure
Bits 7:0 of this word contain the value A5h. Bits 15:8 of this word contain the data structure
checksum. The data structure checksum is the two’s complement of the sum of all byte in words 0
through 254 and the byte consisting of bits 7:0 of word 255. Each byte is added with unsigned
arithmetic, and overflow is ignored. The sum of all bytes is zero when the checksum is correct.
LBA High invalid word location
LBA Mid invalid bit location (bits (7:0))
LBA Low invalid bit location (bits (15:8))
Sector count error reason code & description
01h DCO feature is frozen
02h Device is now Security Locked mode
03h Device’s feature is already modified with DCO
04h User attempt to disable any feature enabled
05h Device is now SET MAX Locked or Frozen mode
06h Protected area is now established
07h DCO is not supported
08h Subcommand code is invalid
FFh other reason
Figure 27 DCO error information definition