7K200 SATA OEM Specification
Error Logging support bit
If bit = 1, the device supports the Error Logging Self-test failure check point
This byte indicates the section of self-test where the device detected a failure. Self-test completion time
These bytes are the minimum time in minutes to complete self-test. Data Structure Checksum
The Data Structure Checksum is the 2’s compliment of the result of a simple 8-bit addition of the
first 511 bytes in the data structure.
14.39.3 Device Attribute Thresholds Data Structure
The following defines the 512 bytes that make up the Attribute Threshold information. This data
structure is accessed by the host in its entirety using the S.M.A.R.T. Read Attribute Thresholds. All
multi-byte fields shown in these data structures follow the ATA/ATAPI-6 specification for byte
ordering, namely that the least significant byte occupies the lowest numbered byte address location
in the field.
The sequence of active Attribute Thresholds will appear in the same order as their corresponding
Attribute Values.
Description Bytes Offset Format Value
Data Structure Revision Number 2 00h binary 0010h
Attribute Threshold 12 02h (*1) (*2)
... ..
... ..
Attribute Threshold 12 15Eh (*1) (*2)
Reserved 18 16Ah (*3)
Vendor specific 131 17Ch (*3)
Data structure checksum 1 1FFh (*2)
(*1) - See following definitions
(*2) - Value varied by actual operating condition
(*3) - Filled with 00h
Table 114 Device Attribute Thresholds Data Structure Data Structure Revision Number
This value is the same as the value used in the Device Attributes Values Data Structure. Individual Thresholds Data Structure
The following defines the 12 bytes that make up the information for each Threshold entry in the
Device Attribute Thresholds Data Structure. Attribute entries in the Individual Threshold Data
Structure is in the same order and correspond to the entries in the Individual Attribute Data