
Recommended Signal List
RGB Input Signal Chart
Frequency (Hz)
Frequency (kHz)
Dot Clock
Frequency (MHz)
VGA 640 x 480 60 31.47 5.18
SVGA 800 x 600 60 37.88 40.00
104 x 768 60
48.36 65.00
SXGA 180 x 104
63.98 108.00
If the message “Unsupported Signal” appears on the screen, adjust the PC display setting as in the above chart.
Modes that are not listed in the above chart may not be supported. For an optimal picture, it is recommended to
choose a mode listed in the chart.
Sometimes, the image may be disrupted due to the frequency standard from the VGA card. This is not an error,.
You may improve this situation by pressing the AUTO button or adjusting the position, clock and phase settings in
the SETUP menu manually.
If you switch off the TV, interference lines may occur on the TV screen. This is normal.
HDMI Input Signal Chart
Frequency (Hz)
Frequency (kHz)
Dot Clock
Frequency (MHz)
VGA 640 x 480 60 31.47 5.18
SVGA 800 x 600 60 37.88 40.00
XGA 104 x 768 60 48.36 65.00
576i 70(1440) x 576 50 15.63 7.00
480i 70(1440) x 480 60 15.73 7.00
576p 70 x 576 50 31.5 7.00
480p 70 x 480 60 31.47 7.00
1080i/50 190 x 1080 50 8.13 74.5
1080i/60 190 x 1080 60 33.75 74.5
70p/50 180 x 70 50 37.50 74.5
70p/60 180 x 70 60 45.00 74.5
1080p/50 190 x 1080 50 56.5 148.50
1080p/60 190 x 1080 60 67.50 148.50
1080p/4 190 x 1080 4 7.00 74.5