BDM-610000049 Rev G Chapter 3: Connecting the cpuModule 39
RS-422 and RS-485 Mode Pinout
Table 21 provides the serial port connector pinout when RS-422 or RS-485 modes are enabled.
Facing the serial port connector, the pinout is:
Table 21 Serial Port in RS-422/485 Mode
Pin Signal Function In/Out DB-9
1—Reserved —1
2—Reserved —6
3 RXD– Receive Data (–) in 2
4TXD+Transmit Data (+)out7
5TXD–Transmit Data (–)out3
6 RXD+ Receive Data (+) in 8
7—Reseved —4
8—Reseved —9
9,10 GND Signal Ground out 5
GND Rsvd TXD- RXD- Rsvd
GND Rsvd RXD+ TXD+ Rsvd
10 8 6 4 2
Note When using the serial port in RS-485 mode, the serial transmitters are enabled and disabled under
software control. The transmitters are enabled by manipulating the Request To Send (RTS*) signal of the
serial port controller. This signal is controlled by writing bit 1 of the Modem Control Register (MCR) as
If MCR bit 1 = 1, then RTS* = 0, and serial transmitters are disabled
• If MCR bit 1 = 0, then RTS* = 1, and serial transmitters are enabled
Note For more information on the serial port registers, including the MCR, refer to the Serial Port
Programming reference in Appendix D.