ICE Series Electrical System
Page F11
Electrical Sequence for the ICE1400 Series Version 3, ICE1800 Series Version 3 and the
ICE2100 Series Version 3 Cubers. (Manufactured from January, 2008)
ICE1400R3, 1800R3 and 2100R3 Electrical Sequence (Includes 50 hz. And 3 Phase)
This unit incorporates a timer upstream of the Low Pressure Control for Low Ambients.
1. Timer number 2 (Six Minutes) is energized from the Selector Switch through Relay Number 3B
contacts C and NC.
2. Timer Number 2 (Six Minutes) times out and energizes Relay Number 2 Coil.
3. Relay Number 2B contacts C and NO close which energizes the Low Pressure Control.
4. The Low pressure Control closes and energizes the timer.
5. The Timer times out and energizes Relay Number 1 Coil.
6. Relay Number 1A contacts C and NO close to send power to Cam Switch Number 2 C and NC
which energizes Harvest Motor 2, Hot Gas Valve 2 and Relay Number 3 Coil.
7. Relay Number 1B contacts close to energize Harvest Motor 1 and Hot Gas Valve 1.
8. When the Low Pressure Control opens during hot gas defrost, the circuit is latched through the
Purge Switch contacts C and NC.
9. Relay Number 3A contacts C and NO close to send power to the Selector Switch and Hot Gas
Valves when the curtain is open.
10. Once Cam Switch 2 contacts C and NO close (High side of the Cam) it will remain energized
from the Selector Switch until contacts C and NC close. (Rotates 360 degrees)
11. Once Cam Switch 1 contacts C and NO close (High Side of the Cam) the Harvest Motor will be
energized and the Water Pump and Purge Valve will be de-energized when contacts C and NC
12. With the bin switches open, Relay Number 3 Coil de-energized due to Cam Switch 2 contacts
C and NC closing, the unit will shut off on full bin.
●NC=Normally Closed
●NO-Normally Open
●Relay Number 9 & 12=Common
●Relay Number 1 & 4=Normally Closed
●Relay Number 5 & 8=Normally Open
●Relay 1, Puts unit into defrosts.
●Relay 2, Bypasses the Bin Switches and initiates the Low Pressure Control
●Relay 3, Bypasses the Bin Switches during harvest when Relay 2 is de-energized from a rise in
the suction pressure opening the Low Pressure Control and energizes Timer Number2