
IIT Camera System Manual
40 Appendix F
Besides these constants there are some commands for test purposes. These are:
Name Cmd Syntax
Disable checksum U $u99<CR>
Disables checksum commands until next
power down
Firmware version V $V<CR>
Shows the installed firmware version for U1
Status request S $S<CR>
The format of the answer is
$S<temperature><temperature status><fan
stauts><heater status><CR>
The temperature is shown in two’s
Example of an answer:
“1A” is 26 deg
“8” is power ok
“0” fan off, no current, no overload
“0” heater off, no current, no overload
Heater and fan status:
0: off, no current, no overload (ok)
1: on, no current, no overload (fault)
2: off, no current, no overload (fault)
3: on, no current, no overload (ok)
4: off, no current, no overload (fault)
5: on, no current, no overload (fault)
6: off, current, overload (fault)
7: on, current, overload (fault)