
Check the following list to be sure a service call is really necessary.
If grill or surface burner fails to light:
check to be sure unit is properlyconnectedto power supply,
check for a blowncircuit fuse or a tripped maincircuit breaker.
check to be sure burneris correctly rated for your type of gas.
check to be sure burnerports or ignition portsare not clogged.
check to be sure igniteris clicking. If igniter doesn'tclick,turn control knob off.
check to be sure regulator is set for correctfuel.
check to be sure inlet pressureis adequate.
If the flame is uneven:
burner ports may be clogged.
flamesetting may needto be adjusted. (Seep. 9.)
If grill or surface burner flame lifts off the ports:
shutteronthemixertubeneedsto be closeduntilflamesettlesontheburner
ports. (See pp.8-9.)
If grill or surface burner flame is yellow in color:
shutteronthemixertubeneedsto beopeneduntilyellowdisappears.(Seepp. 8-
ff YOU Need Service:_i. _;i - . : -,":_ i'.___::
callthedealerfromwhomyourappliancewaspurchasedotthe authorizedJenn-
Air Service Contractorlistedin the_YellowPages_Yout:Jehn_Air Service
Contractorcan providebetter,andfasterserviceif you:canaccuratelydescribe
problemsandgivemodelandsedalnumberof the.appliance,Be suretoretain
proofof purchase_toverify warr...a_.ty:status, Referto WARRANTY forfurther
information ofowner'srespohs_ilitiesforwarranty_:service.!_::_-_i'i. . _ " ,- ' ..
if the dealeror servicecompanycannotresolve,theptoblern,wdtetoJenn-Air
TN 37320-2370,1-800-688-1100(U.S.-andontado) or.-423_47.2-3333.
useand care manuals,servicemanuals,and partscatalogsare availablefrom
Jenn-AirCustomerAssistance,c/o MaytagCustomerService,
All specificationssubjectto changeby manufacturerwithoutnotice.
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