Changing Reversible Doors (Non-Dispenser Models Only)
Your refrigeratormay havebeenbuiltwiththe doorshingedtotherightor hingedto theleft.
Refer tothe following instructionsfordoor reversal.
Tools Required
End wrench (5/16")
5/16"Socket and ratchet
Changing Doors
1. Turnthe freshfood controlto OFFand removeallfood fromthe interior.
2. Usinga 5/16"socketandratchet,removethescrewsfrom theupperhinge. Carefullylift
thedoor (includingupperhinge)offofthe centerhingeand placeitona paddedsurface
to prevent scratching. Avoid losingthe spacerthat was between the hinge and the
cabinet top.
3. Unscrewthehingepinoutof thecenterhingeonthetop
of the lowerdoor. Carefullyliftthe lowerdoor offthe
lower hingeand place it on apadded surface. If the
metal hinge pin pulls outof the lower hingewhen the
it back intothe hinge.
4. Usinga phillipsscrewdriver,removethe handlesfrom
the door edges. Remove the handle end caps on
ModelsJRTE198 and JRTE218. To attach the han-
buttons. Invertthe handlesand endcaps and attach _=
withscrews. Press theplug buttonsinto theopposite
sideof the door.
5. Usinga puttyknife,prytheplugbuttoncoverfromthemetalbushingatthetopofthedoor.
Savethe coverfor future use.
6. Lifttheupperhingeandthespacerwashersfromthedoorandinstallthemat theopposite
7. Positionthe plugbutton cover,saved fromstep5,overtheoldhingebushingandpress
it intoplace.
8. Pryoutthe3 plasticplugbuttonsfromthecabinet top and pressthemintothe opposite
9. Withthe T25socket wrenchand5/16" socket andratchet,removethescrewsfromthe
centerhinge and spacerfromthe cabinet. Transferthe (2) screws from the leftendof
thedividerbartothe rightend, Installthe centerhingeand spaceron theleft endofthe
dividerbarthe sameway it wasinstalledonthe rightend. Tightenbothscrewsuntilthey
arejust snug,then turn themone-halfturn more.
10. Prythe plugcoverfromthe metalbushingat thetopofthelowerdoorandpress intothe
metalbushingon the opposite sideof the door.