Hardware Installation 7
EtheRx User’s Guide - Rev. B00 Kingston Technology Company
Utilization and Collision LEDs
There are five Utilization and five Collision LEDs to display the network
traffic and number of collisions on the network. The utilization LEDs measure
the amount of data traffic in frames per second (FPS). The LEDs will light in
relation to the amount of traffic. The collision LEDs measure the collisions per
second (CPS). The LEDs will light in relation to the amount of collisions.
FPS/CPS % Activity LED 1 LED 2 LED 3 LED 4 LED 5
1-49 1% ON
50-99 7% ON ON
100-199 15% ON ON ON
200-399 30% ON ON ON ON
400 +
≥ 60%
Table 1-3 Utilization and Collision Percentage LEDs
For 16-Port models only. The two-color LED displays two states of operation
for the Activity and Partition status on the AUI port. When data is received,
the LED will flash green. If the port has been partitioned due to excessive
collision or other faulty condition, it will display solid red.
Note: Upon power up, the AUI port LED will not be lit unless a transceiver is
attached to the port and there is activity.
The two-color LED displays the Activity and Partition status on the BNC port.
When data is received, the LED will flash green. If the port is partitioned due
to excessive collision or other faulty condition, it will display solid red.
Note: Upon power up, if the BNC port has no cable attached or is not properly
terminated at both ends, the LED will display red to show the port has been
partitioned. Upon receipt of good packets, the LED will automatically change
from red to green indicating that the port is functioning properly.