Calibrating the Printer
22. Click OK to close the dialog box.
23. Click Print.
The information is processed and the calibration test print is printed
on the specified printer. Processing may take several minutes.
The following dialog box appears.
24. Look at the test print and determine which cluster appears the most
neutral (has the least amount of color).
25. Enter the number of the most neutral cluster in the Cluster Number box.
(in a range from 201-249)
26. Click Done.
The printer calibration begins. When calibration is complete, the
following dialog box appears.
27. Click Quit to close the Calibration Utility. Your printer is now calibrated.
NOTE: The neutral cluster should be in the center of the test print if the
printer was properly calibrated. If it is not, and you would like to
print another test print, click Back twice and go to Step 23.