MT2000-0200-1 Rev f (10-2007)
DCN0160 9
• 1/4”rod 5 ft. max, minimum 3” Dia. Stilling well if provided with stilling well.
• 1/2” rod 10 ft. max, minimum 3” Dia. Stilling well if provided with stilling well.
• In 2” pipe: 5ft. Max 1/4” or 1/2” rod.
• C8 and C9 with rigid rod always fully assembled with sensor well from factory.
3.4 Wiring
Install conduit to ½” NPT port and run 18 gauge twisted, shielded pair to housing. Refer to attached wiring diagram
on page 33 for typical loop wiring diagram and pg 31 for instructions applicable to intrinsic safety installation
(Appendix H).
Apply loop power to the transmitter as follows:
Note: The “+Meter” and “-Meter” terminals are available to hook up a mA meter to monitor loop current, without
breaking the loop.
3.5 ATEX Approval Information
Special Conditions for Safe Use
4.1 Quickstart Procedure
An MT2000 from the factory will be set with several default parameters. These parameters have been selected to
cover the widest range of dielectric constants (typical water based products) and in some cases no adjustments will
be necessary.
Each unit will be trimmed with 0 inches at the end of the probe and a distance equal to the probe length at the face
of the coupler. The calibration range will be set with 4mA at the end of the probe and 20 mA at the face of the cou-
pler. For instance, In Figure 4-1, a 25-foot cable probe will indicate 300 inches and 20 mA at the top while indicating
0 inches and 4mA at the bottom. With this knowledge in hand, an MT2000 can be installed quickly and easily.
1. Remove all of the pieces of the MT2000 from the packaging and assemble them, if necessary.
2. Install the transmitter into its process connection and proceed with wiring. (See section 3.3 field wiring).
3. Power up the unit. All of the digits on the display will light up. The output from the transmitter will drop to 4mA,
then start to climb to the level of the product.
4. Enter the Calibration menu using the pushbuttons on the faceplate. Select and set values for LRV (4mA) and
URV (20mA).
5. When this is complete, the unit should be functioning and ready for normal operation.
If the output does not correspond with the level or does not change with the level movement, proceed to section 4.2.
3.3 MT2000 Guided Wave Radar Guidelines (cont’d)
Terminal Block + 14 Vdc minimum to 36 Vdc Maximum
Terminal Block - To control System Input
Ground Screw GROUND
Mounting: Installation and cable types used shall be in accordance with EN50-039 and the relevant codes of practice.
The supply to the MT 2000 unit must be fed through a suitable Certified barrier/isolating interface mounted
in the safe area.