– Token-Ring networks (Shielded
Twisted Pair) use a DB9 connec-
– Ethernet 10Base2 networks (Thin
Coax) use a BNC T-connector.
Local printing You can attach your printer locally using either
the standard USB port or parallel port. A USB
port is standard on all printer models. We rec-
ommend Lexmark USB cable part number
12A2405 (2 m). The standard parallel port
requires an IEEE-1284 compliant parallel
cable. We recommend Lexmark parallel cable
part number 1329605 (10 ft) or 1427498
(20 ft).
If you add a parallel port by installing an
optional USB/Parallel Interface Card, you need
a 1284 A-C parallel cable, such as Lexmark
part number 43H5171 (9.8 ft).
Note: Some UNIX, Linux, and Macintosh
computers also support USB connec-
tions. Consult your computer docu-
mentation to see if your system
supports USB.
If you have installed an optional Tri-Port
Adapter, or if you are using a non-network