Connect a PC to the HCS6600 Service
Port and Access the HCS6600 Mai
n Menu
1. Follow the directions in the Installation and
Test sections of this manual. The Cable TV
STB and the HCS6600 must be installed and
operating before you proceed.
2. Connect the PC to the HCS6600 Service Port
using the FTDI TTL-USB cable (P/N TTL-
• Plug the USB end of the cable into an open
USB port on your PC. If necessary, install
the device driver.
• Plug the other end of the cable into the
Service Port jack on the HCS6600 front
3. Using HyperTerminal or an equivalent terminal
emulation program on the PC, configure the
COM port as follows:
• Baud = 115200
• Data bits = 8
• Parity = None
• Stop bits = 1
• Flow Control = None
Then, initiate communication with the
4. Press Enter to refresh the menu display in
the terminal.
You now have access to the HCS6600 configu-
ration Main Menu. Refer to the following sections
for information on user-configurable options.
Disable the Content Advisory Descriptor
For legacy systems using LST5600 Set-back
Box receivers, it is necessary to disable the
Content Advisory Descriptor in the PMT of the
HCS6600’s Transport Stream output. All other
products will operate normally with the Content
Advisory Descriptor enabled. The default setting
is Content Advisory Descriptor Enabled.
Note: Disabling the Content Advisory
Descriptor will disable the Parental
Control (V-Chip) feature of all room receiv-
ers for this channel.
Use the following procedure if you wish to dis-
able V-Chip.
1. Connect your PC to the HCS6600 Service
Port, and access the Main Menu as described
2. With the Main Menu on display, type the
number corresponding to the Toggle Content
Advisory option, and press Enter.
The system will print out the new state of the
Content Advisory Descriptor option. This state
will be stored in non-volatile storage and remain
in that state until changed by a user.
Configuration Options
The HCS6600 contains several internal registers for different configuration options. These can either
be left at their default values or configured by the user.
There are two methods available for configuration purposes:
• Service Port Method
• Controller Card Method
This document describes configuration procedures using the Service Port Method, which requires that
you connect a PC directly to the transcoder Service Port. For configuration procedures using the
Controller Card Method, refer to the Installation & Setup Guide for the feature card installed in the card
frame CONTROLLER slot.