
IP8540 User Guide
3.7 Connecting the USB Cable and Signing In
3.7.1 Why Use the USB Cable
You can connect IP8540 (with S/W version 3.5.6907.0) to your computer using the USB cable for simplified
deskphone sign in using Office Communicator 2007 R2. Below is a list of advantages to using the USB cable.
Computer sign in You can connect Office IP8540 to your computer using the USB cable for
quick desk phone sign in using Office Communicator 2007 R2.
Make a one-click audio call Each contact in your Office Communicator 2007 R2 Contact List
has a default number that you can call by clicking the Call button to the right of the contact.
USB audio using IP8540 When your IP8540 is attached to your computer with a USB cable, you
can receive audio through the phones loudspeaker for Office Live Meeting 2007 and Office
Communicator 2007 R2 calls.