El folleto para el propietario del OneTouch
encuentra disponible en español. Para recibir su copia
gratuita, favor de llamar al número gratis 1 800 381-7226.
The OneTouch
instructional materials are available
in Spanish. To receive your free copy, please call toll-free
1 800 381-7226.
LifeScan Customer Services 24-Hour,
Toll-Free Assistance:
USA (English): 1 800 227-8862
USA (Español): 1 800 381-7226
Visit the LifeScan Web site at:
is a trademark of LifeScan, Inc.
©2003 LifeScan, Inc.Milpitas, CA 95035. 10/03 AW 063-318-01A
AW 06331801A
The system described herein is covered by one or more of the
following U.S. patents: D417,504, D428,150, 5,059,394,
5,187,100, 5,843,692, 5,968,760, 6,045,567, 6,156,051,
6,197,040 and 6,489,133. Use of the monitoring device
described herein is protected under the following U.S. patents:
4,935,346, 5,049,487, 5,179,005, and 6,268,162. Purchase of
the monitoring device described herein does not act to grant a
use license under these patents. Such a license is granted only
when the device is used with OneTouch® Test Strips, or with
test strips manufactured by Diagnostic Solutions, Inc. No test
strip supplier other than LifeScan, Inc. is authorized to grant
such a license. The accuracy of results generated with LifeScan
meters using test strips manufactured by anyone other than
LifeScan has not been evaluated by LifeScan.
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