Terminal strip TS2 located behind the hinged control
panel on the front of the power source supplies
110-115V AC. A 10 amp circuit breaker protects this
circuit. Note that this 110-115V AC is also available in
the 14-pin connector on the Domestic and Export
To gain access to the terminal strips simply remote
the six #10 sheet metal screws from the perimeter of
the welder nameplate as shown below. Tilt panel for-
ward so it rests in a horizontal position. See Table
showing Front View of 14-Pin Connector Receptacle
for lead number functions.
A Continental European receptacle is located on the
rear panel for supplying 230V AC to a water cooler. A
3.5 amps, (2 amps below code 11277) circuit breaker
which is also located on the rear panel protects this
circuit from excessive overloads or short circuits.
The power source is thermostatically protected with
proximity thermostats against overload or insufficient
cooling. One thermostat is located on the nose of the
center bottom primary coil and a second thermostat is
attached to the lead connection the secondaries.
Both thermostats are connected in series with 2-4 cir-
cuit. If the machine is overloaded, the primary ther-
mostat will open, the output will be zero, and the
amber thermal protection light will be on.
The fan will continue to run. The secondary thermo-
stat will open either with an excessive overload or
insufficient cooling. The output will be zero and the
amber protection light will be off.