(See Figure B.2)
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The 2 Step - Trigger Interlock
switch changes the function of the
gun trigger. 2 Step trigger opera-
tion turns welding on and off in
direct response to the trigger.
Trigger Interlock operation allows
welding to continue when the trig-
ger is released for comfort on long
Place the toggle switch in the
DOWN position for 2 Step operation or in the UP posi-
tion for Trigger Interlock operation.
2 Step trigger operation is the most common. When
the gun trigger is pulled, the welding power source
energizes the electrode output and the wire feeder
feeds wire for welding. The power source and wire
feeder continue welding until the trigger is released.
Trigger Interlock operation provides for operator com-
fort when making long welds. When the gun trigger is
first pulled, the welding power source energizes the
output and the wire feeder feeds wire for welding.
The gun trigger is then released while the weld is
made. To stop welding, the gun trigger is pulled
again, and when it is released the welding power
source output turns off and the wire feeder stops feed-
ing wire.
The optional Timer Kit provides control of preflow
time, burnback, and postflow time.
To release the spool retainer, squeeze the metal bar
inwards. When securing the spool, verify the spool
retainer is fully seated in place in one of the three
grooves of the spindle.
Adjust the spool brake to provide enough friction to
stop wire overrun. Excessive brake force may cause
motor thermal overloads or welding problems.
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When cold feeding, the wire
drive will feed electrode but nei-
ther the power source nor the
gas solenoid will be energized.
Adjust the speed of cold feed-
ing by rotating the WFS knob.
Cold feeding, or "cold inching"
the electrode is useful for
threading the electrode through
the gun.