
(&#) '##("
Observe all Safety Guidelines detailed throughout this manual
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Machine fails to come on
(Power LED off)
Power Input incorrect
Input over-current
(Power LED Flashing)
No output current
(Power LED on)
(Output LED off)
Thermal overload
(Thermal LED on)
1. No Input Voltage.
2. Faulty supply plug or cable.
3. Internal fuse blown.
1. Input voltage out of range (less
than 95 or greater than 265VAC).
2. Input current too high due to oper-
ating beyond rated duty cycle.
1. While in TIG mode, Trigger circuit
not mode at 6 pin amphenol.
1. Unit has been operated beyond its
capacity rating.
2. Airflow through machine is restrict-
ed or fan has failed.
If all recommended possible areas of
misadjustment have been checked
and the problem persists, >=C02C
H>DA;>20; 8=2>;=DC7>A8I43
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