(See Figure B.1)
The COOL ARC® 35 is enabled only when DC TIG or
AC TIG modes are selected. The cooler does not
operate when STICK modes are selected.
Due to the “cool as needed” functionality (when the
coolant temperature increases passed the maximum
set point) the pump speed is modulated by coolant
temperature feedback. This keeps the cooler noise
levels to a minimum.
The pump starts operating when any TIG welding
mode has been selected and the welder output is
enabled. The pump is kept on until the coolant tem-
perature goes below 175°F (80°C) or for at least 3
minutes after welding has ceased if the cooler was
running while welding.
The new COOL ARC® 35 is an intelligent cooling unit
equipped with a variable speed three phase rotary
pump and an embedded microprocessor PC board
which controls the pump operation, fan operation, and
the overall functioning of the unit.
The cooler operation is enabled by the power source
and utilizes a “cool as needed” approach, so the pump
and fan speed vary based on real coolant tempera-
ture. Furthermore, error signals and related codes are
managed by the power source.
The COOL ARC® 35 manages both the coolant tem-
perature and pressure in order to maximize the cool-
ing of the torch, while using as little energy as possi-
ble. If the coolant temperature goes above the maxi-
mum limit 185°F (85°C) or the coolant flow is stopped
or the coolant is missing, an alarm is generated and
an error code is sent to the power source. The power
source, consequently, displays the alarm ID code on
the user interface and places the power source and
cooler in a safe condition in order to avoid any dam-
age being done to the cooling components or to the
welding torch. Any alarm condition must be reset by
the user by clearing the alarm code at the power
source user interface before restarting operation, oth-
erwise; the overall welding system is kept in a standby
condition (safety mode).
If a coolant over temperature is detected, welding is
stopped and the cooler is programmed to run at maxi-
mum speed in order to recover from the high tempera-
ture condition as soon as possible. Welding operation
cannot be re¬started before the coolant temperature
has reached a temperature value below 175°F (80°C).