RANGER® 10,000 & RANGER® 10,000 PLUS
F-53 F-53
12. With the 1/2” wrench remove the three
mounting nuts. Note the placement of the
nylon insulators.
13. Remove the rectifier assembly by tilting it
up and lifting it toward the side of the
14. Reassembly: Refer to the Wiring Diagram
for proper connections to the positive and
negative sides of the rectifier assembly.
The two sides of the bridge are marked +
and -, respectively.
NOTE: Use Dow Corning 340 on all aluminum
electrical connection surfaces.
15. With the 1/2” wrench install the three
mounting nuts.
16. With the 7/16” socket wrench, install the
S2 lead and the heavy lead going to the S1
Range switch. Note the order of fasteners:
flat washer at the bottom followed by pig-
tails, heavy leads, flat washer, lock wash-
er, and nut.
17. With the 7/16” socket wrench, install the
W1 lead and the heavy lead going to the
S2 Polarity switch. Note the order of fas-
teners: flat washer at the bottom followed
by pigtails, heavy leads, flat washer, lock
washer, and nut.
18. With the 1/2” socket wrench, install the
heavy cable and the #8 lead (White) to the
rectifier negative heat sink. Note the order
of fasteners.
19. With the 1/2” socket wrench, install the
choke lead and the #10 lead and note the
order of fasteners.
20. Reinstall the case side, fuel cap, lift bail
gasket, case top, and spark plug wire.
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