
If for any reason you do not understand the test procedures or are unable to perform the tests/repairs safely,
contact the Lincoln Electric Service Department for technical troubleshooting assistance before you proceed.
Call 1-888-935-3877.
F-11 F-11
Observe Safety Guidelines detailed in the beginning of this manual.
Displays Description
Scrolling dash
Appears at power up while the machine is going through its self con-
"Err" "####" Fault code display. The first fault to occur will be displayed for
three seconds. The display will cycle through fault codes for all
faults that persist after the initial three-second period are displayed
for 1 second each.
"----" "----" Weld mode is changing
"----" "####" A constant voltage weld mode is selected, machine output is off.
The numeric value in the right display is the work point.
"####" "----" A constant current weld mode is selected, machine output is off.
The numeric value in the left display is either the work point or a
work point limit, depending on the weld mode and remote configu-
"####" "####"(on steady) Machine output is on. Left display is current, right display is volt-
age. If actively welding, the displays are arc current and arc volt-
age. If not actively welding, the display will show work point.
"####" "####" (blinking) Weld just finished – the average arc voltage and current will be
blinked for 5 seconds following a weld. If the work point changes
during this 5 second period, the display will revert to the above
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