Duet User Guide 35
Please note that by default WAV and AIFF files are converted to FLAC
(a compressed, lossless format) in order to save network bandwidth,
and therefore cannot be fast-forwarded. In order to seek through WAV or AIFF
files, you need to disable the WAV to FLAC decoder rule in SqueezeCenter by
going to Server > File Types.
SqueezeCenter can’t find all of my music.
Make sure that all of your digital music files are in one place on your
computer. You can store all of your files in a single folder, or create sub-
folders to help organize your music. The software you use to “rip” your CDs
to digital files, such as iTunes or Windows Media Player, may already do this,
organizing your collection by album or artist.
SqueezeCenter, the software that runs on your computer and delivers your
personal digital music collection to Squeezebox, will scan one folder (and all
sub-folders) for your music. If you have music stored in multiple folders, or on
different computers, you will have to create shortcuts in the primary music
folder so SqueezeCenter can find the other music.
Some of my track names are missing or incorrect; or some of
my album art is missing or doesn’t look right.
If you know that your songs all have valid tags or that your album art images
are fine, you may want to have SqueezeCenter rescan your music collection
by doing the following:
Open SqueezeCenter and go to 1. Server > Basic Settings.
Verify that the 2. Music Folder points to the music folder on your
computer. If it’s not, enter the correct path and click “Apply.”
Scroll down to 3. Rescan Music Library and select “Clear library and
rescan everything” in the drop-down box, then click the “Rescan”
SqueezeCenter will scan your music and rebuild the database it uses
to display the information about your collection, including album art.
If you are still experiencing problems, you should delete the cached files
SqueezeCenter uses to improve performance and the perform a rescan.
To delete the cache, do the following: