(coaxial, optical)
These are the digital audio inputs and outputs. There are 2 digital
inputs with coaxial jacks, 2 with optical jacks.
The inputs accept digital audio signals from a compact disc, LD, DVD,
or other digital source component.
For digital output, there is 1 coaxial output and 1 optical output.
The digital outputs can be connected to MD recorders, CD recorders,
DAT decks, or other similar components.
⁄2 Power cable
Connect to AC power outlet.
SR4300 can be powered by 120 V AC only.
• In order to avoid potential turn-off thumps, anything plugged in
here should be powered up BEFORE the SR4300 is turned on.
Connect the AC power cables of components such as a DVD and CD
player to these outlets. SWITCHED and UNSWITCHED outlets are
The one marked SWITCHED provides power only when the SR4300
is turned on and is useful for components which you use every time
you play your system.
The one marked UNSWITCHED is always live as long as the SR4300
is plugged into a live outlet.
A component connected here may be left on permanently, or may be
switched off with its own power switch.
• In order to avoid potential turn-off thumps, anything plugged in
here should be powered up before the SR4300 is turned on.
• The capacity of these AC outlets are 100W. Do not connect
devices that consume electricity more than the capacity to these
AC outlets. If total power consumption of connected devices
exceeds the capacity, protection circuit shuts down the power