
The Caller ID LCD Check the power connections.
panel is blank
Check the telephone line cord connections.
Check the batteries for proper installation.
The handset LCD panel will only start displaying
information after the first call is received.
The Caller ID LCD The Caller ID unit will not function until you have Caller
panel does not show ID service provided by your local phone company. Call
the caller’s name and/ your local phone company to have Caller ID installed on
or phone number your telephone line.
Check your telephone line connections. Make sure all
connections are secure and connected.
If you have a telephone answering device (TAD)
connected with the unit, set the TAD to answer after two
rings or more.
If it is a blocked call or an out-of-area call, the caller’s
name and/or phone number will not appear on the
If only the caller’s phone number appears on the display,
it may be a Single Data Message Format (SDMF) call,
as opposed to a Multiple Data Message Format (MDMF)
Random characters On rare occasions, the Caller ID information sent by the
and/or “DATA ERROR” telephone company may have an error during the
on the LCD panel transmission. This is not the fault of your Caller ID unit.
Cannot erase call The DEL/CHAN button must be pressed and held for at
records in memory least two seconds.
Cannot get Call Waiting Subscription to Caller ID Call Waiting (CIDCW) is
identification on the required from your local phone company for the CIDCW
LCD panel function to operate properly. Call your local phone
company for details.
MPH2430.O/M.QXD 1/29/03 9:12 AM Page 46