Controls and features
The display screen gives
information on the status of the
audio system.
Display Information
AM, FM1 or FM2 Indicates which frequency band the audio
system is in
87.9 to 107.9 Indicates currently playing radio station
(530 to 1610 Am)
Illuminated bars Indicates volume, relative levels of bass and
treble and relative levels of speaker balance
and fade
Indicates Dolby® Noise Reduction activation
1 or 2 Indicates side of tape playing
Indicates CD play
Indicates CD stop
TUNE Indicates tune mode activated
M Indicates manual tuning is activated
SCN or SCAN Indicates scan mode activated
AUTO Indicates Auto Memory Store (AMS)
BASS Indicates bass mode activated
TREB Indicates treble mode activated
BAL Indicates speaker balance adjust
FADE Indicates speaker fade adjust
SHUF Indicates shuffle feature activated
COMP Indicates compression feature activated
TOO HOT Indicates CD player temperature is above 75°C
(167°F). CD play will stop. CD play can
continue once the temperature reaches the
normal range.
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