Cleani ng and care
Before cleaning, the appliance is to
be turned off with the main sw itch!
Improper handling and cleaning can
damage the screen irreparably.
Therefore pay attentionto the rules in
regards of the treatment and care of
the appliance.
Treat the surface of the screen very carefully .
Avoid all mechanical strain of the surface of
the scre en suc h as, s crapi ng, p ushing,
pressure, etc, since damage can occur.
Prevent t he co ntact with p ointe d, sharp-
edged or hard objects.
The surface is to be protected from soiling.
Care and cleaning:
Before cleaning disconnect the appliance and
the power-supply plug.
The cleaning of the surface must be done with
a drysoft c leaning cloth (fo rexam ple Mi crofiber
cloth). If stro nger soili ng is present, t he surface
can be c leaned with a mo istened, soft cloth.
Pay at ten tion that no water or other liquids ev er
penetrate into the appliance. This will damage
the appliance.
Immediately pull the power-supply plug, if for-
eign bodies like water, other liquids, metal
parts etc. re ach onto the screen. Do not pu t
your hand or any other objects into the appli-
There is danger of an electric shoc k or acci-