B. Plugging in the power cord
• Inordertoensurethesafetyincaseoftroublewiththeprojector,useanelectricaloutlethavinganearthleakage
breaker to supply the power to the projector. If you do not have such outlet, ask your dealer to install it.
• OneofpowercordsfortheU.S.,Europe,U.K.,Australia,andSouthKoreaisprovidedappropriately.
• Thisprojectorusesthepowerplugofthree-pingroundingtype.Donottakeawaythegroundingpinfromthe
power plug. If the power plug doesn’t fit your wall outlet, ask an electrician to change the wall outlet.
• IncasethatthepowercordfortheU.S.isprovidedwiththisprojector,neverconnectthiscordtoanyoutlet
or power supply using other voltages or frequencies than rated. If you want to use a power supply using other
voltage than rated, prepare an appropriate power cord separately.
• Use100-240VAC50/60Hztopreventreorelectricshock.
• Donotplaceanyobjectsonthepowercordordonotplacetheprojectornearheatsourcestopreventdamageto
the power cord. If the power cord should be damaged, contact your dealer for replacement because it may cause
fire or electric shock.
• Donotmodifyoralterthepowercord.Ifthepowercordismodiedoraltered,itmaycausereorelectricshock.
• Pluginthepowercordrmly.Whenunplugging,holdandpullthepowerplug,notthepowercord.
• Donotpluginoroutthepowercordwithyourhandwet.Itmaycauseelectricshock.
• Donotturnonthepowerbeforeattachingthelens.Thecabinetmaybeexposedtothelightfromthelamp
directly and heated to a high temperature, resulting in deformation.
• Whenyoumovetheprojector,turnoffthepower,unplugthepowercordfromthewalloutlet,andthenremovethe
connected cords. Otherwise, the power cord may be damaged, resulting in fire or electric shock.
• Ifdustormetallicsubstanceisonoraroundthepinsofthepowerplug,unplugthepowercordandcleanitusing
a dry cloth. If you continue to use the projector without cleaning, it may result in fire or electric shock. Clean the
power plug periodically at least once a year.
• Besuretounplugthepowercordfromthewalloutletiftheprojectorwillnotbeusedforalongperiodoftime.
Otherwise, it may cause fire.
1. Plug the attached power cord into the power cord
inlet of this projector.
2. Plug the other end of the power cord into a power
Power cord (example)
Viewing video images (continued)