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Black vertical
lines are
visible on the
Thin vertical black lines on one or both sides of
the screen. This minor condition is caused by
grille element overlap which can occur during
shipping. We suggest slapping the cabinet sides
with an open hand after the monitor is warm.
If this fails, position an open white window over
the affected area of the screen and maximize
the brightness and contrast controls. This will
cause localized heating of the overlap which will
clear permanently in a few minutes. Be sure to
readjust the brightness and contrast controls
back to the normal viewing levels after this
Two fine horizontal
lines are visible on
the screen.
The 2 very faint thin lines across the screen are
normal. They are caused by the aperture grille
stabilization filaments which are required for all
aperture grille CRTs’.
A buzzing sound
when power on.
A brief vibration or hum sound that is heard just
after power up is normal. This is caused by the
automatic degaussing function. This sound will
be heard each time the monitor is powered up
from a cold start and each time the manual
degauss button is used.
Electron Gun
Damper Wires
Shadow of
Damper Wires
Aperture Grille
erture Grille T
Shadow of Damper Wires
Abnormal Picture