Main Menu Choices
Setup Menu
Figure 1
Use the Setup menu to select English or Spanish as
the language for the menus and on-screen displays.
Adjust Color Balance Automatically or manually
(PerfectColor™). Color Balance uses six colors,
Magenta, Red, Yellow, Green, Cyan and Blue to obtain
color balance. Reset the Color Balance to the factory
default settings.
The TV’s software version is also found on this screen.
Figure 1. Main menu, Setup selected
Time Menu
Figure 4
Manually set the time for the TV, or select Auto and
the TV will automatically set the time based upon
Extended Data Service (XDS) time data. This time
data is usually broadcast by your local PBS station.
This menu is also used to set the TV timer.
Figure 4. Main menu, Time selected
Captions Menu
Figure 5
Display Closed Captions if sent by the broadcaster,
select settings for analog or digital captions.
Figure 5. Main menu, Captions selected
V-Chip Lock Menu
Figure 6
Block or allow programing based upon rating signals
sent by the broadcast station, lock by time, or lock the
front panel buttons.
Figure 6. Main menu, V-Chip Lock selected
AudioVideo Menu
Figure 7
Reset the A/V Memory to return to the original factory
A/V settings for a selected device. Customize the
individual audio and video settings.Display a blue
screen when viewing a device with no signal, enhance
the darker parts of bright pictures or turn the TV
speakers On or Off.
Figure 7. Main menu, Audio/Video selected
Figure 2. Main menu, NetCommand selected
NetCommand Menu
Figure 2
Add, change, review or delete NetCommand® settings
and devices. If you have more than one digital
recording device connected, use this menu to change
the default digital Record To device. Turn the transport
menu off and change the order of the icons in the
Device Selection menu.
Antenna Menu
Figure 3
Memorize available analog and digital channels for
Ant-1 and Ant-2. After memorization, if a channel
displays as digital and analog, you can choose to
see the channel digitally every time it is selected.
Manually add or delete channels from memory, name
channels or add your favorite channels to a SQV
(SuperQuickView™) list.
Figure 3. Main menu, Antenna selected