52 MPC User Manual Rev 0D
Chapter 6 Software Programs
Table 2: UDP Message Format
Next, choose when to send the data or set up a schedule. Choosing CONTINUOUS logs your data
continuously. It will start a new file every hour that is divisible by the Rollover amount in the Choose
Where section. The other choices are Everyday, Weekdays, Weekends, and Only Today. If you select
any of these choices, you can then enter a UTC start time in hours in the Start Time field and the
amount of hours to continue logging in the Duration field. The start time refers to the start of the day.
Finally, type in the logs you want in this schedule in the Choose What section’s edit box. Ensure each
log request is on a new line. For more information on the available logs for the OEM4 family of
receivers, please refer to Volume 2 of the OEM4 Users’ Guide.
Click on the Submit button when you have completed your schedule list. The Command/Response
Summary for your schedule will appear. An example is shown in Figure 47 on Page 53. If you
misspell any of the logs, the Command/Response window will contain syntax errors for you to check.
Click on the Cancel button to return you to the main Logging Control window (Figure 45 on
Page 50).
Filename Examples:
If it is 3 p.m. and you request CONTINUOUS in the Choose When section, and 6 in the Choose
Where section’s Rollover field, hh will be 12 and will roll over at 6 p.m. (only 3 hours later) when hh
will be 18. The next rollover will be at midnight (6 hours later) when hh will be 00.
Here are some filename examples starting at 5:45 p.m., the First Letters of File Name were entered as
‘range’, with a rollover of 6 hours:
range02011712.bin range02011718.bin range02011700.bin
range02011806.bin range02011812.bin
* 1. The MPC internal time is Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) and may vary by several hours
from your local time.
2. If you have any difficulty with sending files, for instance e-mail or external ftp, NovAtel
Customer Service may request any GPSServer.log or LoggerServer.log files from your MPC’s
ftp site or root directory.
Description Offset Size Type Value
Sync1 0 1 uchar 0xAA
Sync2 1 1 uchar 0x44
Sync3 2 1 uchar 0x16
MPCID 3 4 ulong 0....MAX_ULONG (unique MPC station ID,
see Section, Set MPC Name on Page 56)
Hop Count 7 1 uchar 0...255 (the number of times the UDP was
forwarded between NovAtel relay stations)
Message Length 8 2 ushort 0...65535 (size of the imbedded message but not
including the header)
Message 10 <65535 binary NovAtel OEM4 ASCII or binary message