National Instruments Corporation I -1 PC-LPM-16/PnP User Manual
+5 V signal (table), 4-4
+12 V signal (table), 4-3
-12 V signal (table), 4-3
ACH<0..15> signal
description (table), 4-3
input ranges and maximum ratings, 4-5
A/D calibration, programming, D-27
A/D Clear Register, D-17
clearing, D-30
output binary modes, D-29 to D-30
bipolar input mode A/D conversion
values (table), D-30
unipolar input mode A/D conversion
values (table), D-29
overflow condition, D-28, D-32, D-34
theory of operation, 3-5
A/D FIFO High-Byte Register, D-15 to D-16
A/D FIFO Low-Byte Register, D-15 to D-16
A/D interrupt programming, D-35
ADC (analog-to-digiter converter), 3-5
ADC errors (figure), A-6
AIGND signal (table), 4-3
analog input circuitry
block diagram, 3-4
programming, D-27
A/D FIFO output binary
modes, D-29 to D-30
clearing the circuitry, D-30
programming sequence, D-28
theory of operation, 3-5 to 3-6
analog input jumper settings,
PC-LPM-16, C-10 to C-12
bipolar input
selection 1 (
5 V) C-10 to C-11
bipolar input selection 2 (
2.5 V) C-11
unipolar input selection 1
(0 to 10 V), C-11
unipolar input selection 2 (0 to 5 V), C-12
Analog Input Register Group
A/D Clear Register, D-17
A/D FIFO Low-Byte Register and A/D
FIFO High-Byte Register,
D-15 to D-16
overview, D-14
register map, D-1
analog input signal connections, 4-5 to 4-6
connections for signal sources, 4-5 to 4-6
exceeding input signal range
(warning), 4-5
input ranges and maximum ratings for
ACH<0..15>, 4-5
pins, 4-5
analog input specifications, A-1 to A-2
ADC errors (figure), A-6
amplifier characteristics, A-2
differential nonlinearity, A-5
dynamic characteristics, A-2
explanation, A-4 to A-6
input characteristics, A-1
integral nonlinearity, A-5
relative accuracy, A-4 to A-5
stability, A-2
system noise, A-5
transfer characteristics, A-1 to A-2
analog-to-digiter converter (ADC), 3-5
ARNG<1..0> bits, D-9