C5800 Ldn User’s Guide
Color Matching • 168
Color Matching
Factors that Affect Color Printing
Monitor Settings
The brightness and contrast controls on your monitor can
change how your document looks on-screen.
Your monitor color temperature also influences how "warm" or
"cool" the colors look.
There are several settings found on a typical monitor:
5000k * or D50
Warmest; yellowish lighting.
Typically used in graphics arts environments.
6500k * or D65
Approximates daylight conditions.
9300k *
The default setting for many monitors and television
*k = degrees Kelvin, a measurement of temperature
Macintosh OS 10.1, 10.2, and 10.3
You can calibrate your monitor’s color regimen in System
Preferences → Displays → Color.
Several of the Color Matching options make reference to
your monitor’s Color Temperature.
Many monitors allow you to adjust the color temperature
through their control panels.